Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

It is always best when discussing facts which could have adverse legal consequences that you maximize confidentiality. Write "confidential attorney-client communication" at the beginning of the narrative and send it or get it to your lawyer during the first two weeks following the arrest. Always keep the original just in case the copy gets lost. It may hurt to look back, and you just
want to move on. But remember, information is power for your defense. The more you give your attorney to work with, the more information they will have to base a strong defense. Details that may not seem important to you may be exactly what your Attorney needs to exercise a defense.

Let you Attorney decide what is important regarding the details.

Vehicle Accidents: If you were in an auto accident, your DUI attorney will want you to include in your narrative details regarding the accident. Where did it happen? Who was cited or given a ticket for fault? How fast were you going? What was the Speed Limit? What were the road conditions? Who phoned for help? Precisely what time of day or night did the accident happen (check and keep phone records and receipts)? How heavy was the flow of traffic? What driving maneuver
were you in the midst of? What direction were you going? What barriers were visible? What street signs or traffic signals were visible? Who was in what vehicle? Who arrived at the scene first? What were individuals doing while waiting for law enforcement or paramedics? What discussions were you aware, were you having, or were other having? What other events were taking place at the scene, not included already? How long did it take for the first witness, police and/or Emergency Medical Service vehicles to show up? How many police or emergency personnel and agencies were finally present? Did you see any signs of injuries? What did the vehicles involved look like? What damage did you note to any of the vehicles? Was the accident on a freeway, roadway, rural areas, busy street, private or public property, rural or in town, deserted or were there people or cars passing by, pedestrians? Anything else you can think of about the accident not included yet.